Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Cycle Routes

Warwickshire has some beautiful countryside that can be explored using cycle routes that keep you safely out of the way of traffic. The Council have produced leaflets (which can be purchased online) for specific routes, with information on suitability for children, what kind of surfaces to expect and how long trips might take.

Action 21 has a bicycle workshop, at the Re-Useful Centre, which refurbishes and sells around 40 donated, second hand bicycles every week. They also have a box of spare parts selling for pennies.

If you need a bike (or a bit for a bike) visit the Bicycle Workshop at the Re-Useful Centre,
5 Ramsey Road, Sydenham, CV31 1PL

Tel: 01926 886438

Opening times: 10am - 4pm, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.