A huge big thankyou from Action 21 to everyone who volunteered at the Peace Festival. You worked tirelessly in blazing sunshine and did a terrific job. It was a fantastic festival and the brilliant clean up operation helped to make it a family friendly event, promoting good causes and making Leamington a better place to live.
Events and places that offer opportunities for social interaction are what make communities. I have spent the morning at the Recycle Warehouse filling in questionnaires with customers to find out what they think of the Recycle Warehouse and Re-Useful Centre. Most people cited friendly staff as a reason why they liked visiting the shops, and many people visit the shop every day. Our customers like picking up interesting things at low prices and having a chat with people while they are there. They think the shop is well laid out and that it's easy to find things. Customers get satisfaction from knowing they are diverting goods from landfill. Lots of people didn't know that the profits from the shops are put into environmental projects in the area, but they were all happy to hear this.